Survey Says~Save the Date!

As bloggers, parents, and advocates focused on food allergies, we are all connected – connected by our stories, connected by the illness, connected by the battles we fight, and connected in our interest to make the world a safer place for all with food allergies. You have told us that there is interest and desire for us to come together and share information, learn to be better advocates, and learn to be better bloggers! There is a great desire to hear from researchers and doctors, legal experts, advocates, and authors. For this first conference, we have decided to focus on the food allergy community with the theme, “We are Connected.”

It is with these connections in mind, that the idea of gathering in one place at one time was born.  From that idea, a few food allergy bloggers began to talk and plan for such an event  We had to decide was this a “bloggers conference” or was this a “food allergy community conference” with the understanding that food allergy bloggers are different. We blog to share knowledge, more than to gain readers, sell things, promote ideas, or even to make money. We do this to help others, connecting them to resources to make the journey easier. Part of that is finding our own support network: of fellow bloggers, companies and products that help us help others.

Many of you responded that you want to participate- either lecturing or helping at the event. We will greatly appreciate your help and support- in fact we are counting on it! This event is happening because we want to come together, uniting our efforts and sharing our knowledge.

We want a conference to include EVERYONE: Advocacy leaders, non-profits, doctors, researchers, parents, and patients, and the companies who provide solutions that support them. Anyone connected to food allergies, asthma EoE, celiac disease, or food intolerances is welcome. We are united, fighting many of the same battles with our diseases. We know one another- through our virtual interactions, shared experiences, support, outrage, and tears. The power and excitement that happens when we all finally get to actually meet each other is palpable!

We invite you, blogger or caregiver, to attend! We are happy to invite any food allergy aware businesses and companies to attend and come participate in meeting and making connections as well to share their products and services! We can NOT WAIT to see you ALL!!!


November 2-4, 2013

Las Vegas, Nevada

We want people to have fun, to learn, and to go home feeling a connection to community and to be enthused to spread national policies that promote food allergy safety, knowledge and disease management.

For questions, media, and booking relations: Jenny Sprague (Manager, Food Allergy Bloggers Conference LLC)

About Jenny-FABlogCon

Mom of two boys with multiple food allergies, Blogger, and Founder of the Food Allergy Bloggers Conference.
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